Applus RTD and Delta SubSea launch new ROV deepwater inspection tool
Applus RTD and Delta SubSea have teamed up to launch a new ROV deepwater inspection tool for non-piggable pipelines.
Applus RTD and Delta SubSea have teamed up to launch a new ROV deepwater inspection tool for non-piggable pipelines.
Researchers at MIT have cottoned to the potential value of oil and gas floating production systems design for offshore nuclear reactors.
It appears that one of the deadliest greenhouse gases of all may be escaping from at least some shale gas production wells in the US.
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In just over two weeks (May 21-22), Aberdeen will once again host All-Energy, which continues to rank as the UK's largest renewable energy exhibition.
In our special Young Energy edition of Energy published in March, we reviewed a selection of oil industry recruitment presentations made by schools that took part in a competition run by the Society for Petroleum Engineers and International Coiled Tubing Association.
Fugro has teamed up with Sonardyne for a three-year Energy Technologies Institute (ETI) project to develop a marine robotics carbon dioxide (CO2) monitoring system.
Wood Group GTS landed a $3.2million contract from the National Grid to provide gas icon governor control system upgrades to nine Rolls-Royce Avon gas turbines.
Renewable energy consultancy, SgurrEnergy, has teamed up with Women in Renewable Energy Scotland (WiRES) in a bid support the professional development of women in the renewables sector.
Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco), the company behind the ill-fated Fukushima nuclear power plant hit by the 2011 tsunami, has reported profits for the first time since the disaster.
Cash-strapped French engineering group Alstom said it would study a $16.9 billion offer from General Electric for its energy arm but left the door open for a rival bid from Germany's Siemens.
The use of nuclear power to generate electricity in the UK is attracting growing support from the public, an official survey has revealed.
Solar Wind Energy Tower Inc. won approval from an Arizona city to develop a $1.5 billion project that would use ambient desert heat to create a draft to generate electricity, in a concrete colossus that would be the tallest structure in North America.
A new report has a identified a series of necessary actions to unlock the energy potential of the Western Isles, Orkney and Shetland Islands. The report, prepared by independent consultants Xero Energy, found a number of findings critical to the renewable energy projects on the three Scottish island groups.
Inverness firm Korrie Renewables has completed development of the city’s first renewable energy park with the creation of 12 jobs.
Technology designed for offshore installations and adapted for warfare has captured the attention of the Royal Academy of Engineering. OptaSense technology, dubbed the ‘Earth’s Nervous System’, was shortlisted for the Royal Academy of Engineering MacRobert Award is the UK’s longest running national prize for engineering.
North-east school pupils are being invited to apply for a free week-long taste of what a career in the oil and gas industry is like.
US oil major Chevron has pledged a $30million (£17.8million)support to science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) partnerships to increase engagement in the subjects young people.
Engineering solutions group Aveva has boosted its research and development division in India by opening a second Hyderabad office.
Honghua Group, a Chinese drilling- equipment maker that gets most of its business from overseas, is seeking to expand at home as the nation works to spark its own shale gas revolution.
Aubin Group has forged a Middle East partnership in a bid to provide pioneering technology.
Fergus Ewing MSP, Minister for Energy, Enterprise and Tourism, said that upgrading links between the Western Isles, Orkney and Shetland was a top priority for his department, while speaking at a renewable energy conference in Inverness yesterday.
A Conservative government elected in 2015 would axe public subsidies for any newly planned on-shore wind turbines.
Internet giants Google are to make their largest investment into renewable energy to date after striking a deal to support one of their US data centres.
RWE has made its first major move into the UK solar energy after snapping up one of the country's largest projects.