The giant Beatrice offshore windfarm in the Moray Firth has been given a major boost after being offered a contract for difference under the Government's energy reform plans.
Suggestions that wind turbines may have been to blame for a blackout that hit large parts of the Highlands and islands were dismissed at Holyrood yesterday.
Aker Solutions and Baker Hughes are have forged a joint venture in a bid to develop technology focused on boosting output, increasing recovery rates and reducing costs for subsea fields.
More questions have been raised about a possible link between wind energy and the major power cut which blacked out more than 200,000 properties across the north last week.
A 30-mile power line could be buried under the Aberdeenshire countryside to feed electricity from the world’s biggest offshore windfarm to homes and businesses across the UK.
Leading engineering experts believe that the UK could accommodate up to a fifth of its energy coming from renewable wind sources without any major infrastructure changes.
German energy giant RWE says it expects its earnings base to “largely stabilize” from next year as it takes steps to overcome revenue shortfalls caused by the country’s shift away from nuclear power.