Time for UK Government to show backing for offshore wind, warns green energy group
A leading green energy body has challenged the Government to show its commitment to wind power by increasing targets from offshore facilities.
A leading green energy body has challenged the Government to show its commitment to wind power by increasing targets from offshore facilities.
Renewables bodies have welcomed government plans to carry out a review of the level of Feed-in Tariff (FiT) support available for small-scale anaerobic digestion (AD) plants.
Maersk Training has confirmed Stuart Cameron will be their new UK managing director, expanding his remit to include the company's operations in Aberdeen.
GDF Suez's UK recycling arm Sita UK has landed a £1.4 billion contract to convert thousands of tonnes of London household waste into energy.
Farmers could earn more than £50,000 a year renting out sites for large-scale solar farms as a London-based developer scopes out potential sites in the north and north-east.
Large-scale solar farms could help balance electricity flow to the grid from existing windfarms, claims a leading solar researcher.
Plans to build up to eight large-scale solar farms in Scotland have been met with mixed reaction.
A record number of UK oil and gas contractors plan to grow their workforces in the coming year but are finding it increasingly difficult to recruit and retain skilled staff, a new report says.
Consumers south of the border will continue to pay towards renewable energy development in Scotland, according to the SNP.
Offshore windfarm developers have been accused of taking advantage of landowners whose land they use to lay cables for connecting schemes to the grid.
Wind turbine schemes are the least attractive and most difficult to develop renewable energy technologies, according to a new report.
Plans to build one of the world's largest offshore windfarms off the British coast have been axed by developers.
Shares in a Highland community wind co-operative are selling faster than similar projects in other parts of the UK.
Aberdeen-based Scopus Engineering will today open a new and improved training facility following a £100,000 investment.
Plans for new marine conservation zones around the English and Welsh coastline could undermine investment in offshore renewable programmes, a leading industry body has warned.
Energy giant Statoil is to build Europe’s biggest floating windfarm off the coast of Peterhead.
Wind energy firms were yesterday accused of trying to hoodwink locals by deliberately choosing obscure names for Highland windfarms.
A new survey looking at the best way for offshore wind projects to transmit power has been launched by the Crown Estate.
Wind projects across Europe will require more than £100billion investment over the next seven years if they are to meet power provision targets, it has been claimed.
US billionaire Donald Trump has made a fresh bid to argue against the Scottish Government in an appeal over a controversial, multi-million pound windfarm.
Scotland's energy industry is set to benefit from technology which monitors ocean currents.
Renewables developers are racing to secure pre-accreditation for new projects ahead of an expected 20% cut to Feed-in Tariff (FiTs) support in April 2014, according to advisers.
UK fuel cell technology firm Ceres Power has been awarded £1 million grant funding from the government's Department of Energy and Climate Change.
European energy chiefs must set binding targets on renewable power until 2030 to ensure current projects take the right approach, the head of Europe's wind power body has warned.
The UK's largest independent cheesemaker has extended its green credentials by installing two solar arrays on its dairy buildings in Bruton, Somerset.