Piper Alpha prosecutions ‘worth considering’, says MP
A north-east MP suggested yesterday that prosecutions could still be launched over the Piper Alpha disaster.
A north-east MP suggested yesterday that prosecutions could still be launched over the Piper Alpha disaster.
UK Energy Minister Michael Fallon wants to travel to the north-west Highlands to investigate ways that the area can be used to boost the offshore wind industry.
A European Parliament vote on capping the amount of biofuels made from food crops has been criticised by campaigners on both sides of the debate.
Two major new windfarm projects - one larger than the London Array - have been given the go-ahead by energy secretary Ed Davey.
Renewable energy firm Tamar has agreed a deal to develop up to five new anaerobic digestion plants in England - as work begins on its Halstead operation.
Flange specialists Equalizer International says it has revised its management structure to put more focus on its new product research and development.
Renewable energy businesses in the north-east of England are set to benefit from a new £2.8million initiative to encourage more small and medium sized firms into the supply chain.
Maritime technology firm IHC Merwede is to develop new systems for five floating production storage and offloading vessels.
A leading green energy group has urged caution after an Oxford University report claimed tidal power from the Pentland Firth could generate up to half Scotland's energy requirements.
Air safety regulators have given their approval to plans for modifications which will allow the grounded EC225 Super Puma fleet to return to the air.
350 workers from the Warwickshire mine will lose their jobs as UK Coal agrees a restructuring deal to protect staff and plug a £500million pension deficit.
The UK's offshore wind industry risks facing the 'worst of all worlds' scenario with high cost and low volume, a report from a leading thinktank has warned.
Swiss drilling services firm Transocean has claimed a new world record for drilling in deep water.
Young energy leaders will hear from an oil and gas expert next week on the environmental benefits of carbon capture and storage.
Developers behind plans for a pioneering green energy scheme at Peterhead power station have abandoned their bid for a slice of a £1.2billion EU prize fund.
A newly-converted biomass plant in England is to shut down from next week after plans to invest in the renewable energy facility were scrapped.
Aberdeen-based Reservoir Group has acquired Canadian well installation firm Planet Services in a six-figure deal.
The £350million plant in Hull was officially opened by Vince Cable.
A specialist asbestos removal company in Moray plans to add to its workforce after winning work at the Dounreay nuclear plant.
The European Commission is to provide 27million euros to improve the renewable energy policy and use in Nigeria.
Tonga could be set to embrace renewable energy after the success of their first, Scots-built wind turbine.
Wick Harbour has been given up to £450,000 to help redevelop the port for the renewable energy industry.
A wave energy device being tested in Orkney has managed the highest sustained output in the world amid bad storm conditions, its manufacturer has revealed.
Plans to create a massive offshore windfarm off the Angus coast have taken a step forward after developers submitted plans to Marine Scotland
The UK's largest offshore windfarm has been officially opened by David Cameron.