Cows can earn their keep and keep the lights on
A typical dairy farm could supply most of the electricity it needs to milk the cows, by converting their manure into energy.
A typical dairy farm could supply most of the electricity it needs to milk the cows, by converting their manure into energy.
It has emerged that the UK's strategically vital renewables sector will be forced to subsidise the nuclear revival, despite many critics saying that building new stations will never be economic.
An innovative new process that releases the energy in coal without burning . . . while capturing the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide . . . has passed a milestone on the route to possible commercial use at a US university.
Pupils from an Aberdeen school got up close to helicopters and dressed in oversized survival suits as part of a tour of a hangar.
A programme helping school pupils across the UK to find the right career path is being piloted in the north-east by Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire councils with support from BP and other local businesses.
Solar cells may be at the threshold of becoming dramatically more effective thanks to nanotechnology.
The annual Celebration of Engineering and Science at Big Bang Scotland will be held on June 14.
More and more electricity is being generated from intermittent sources of power, such as solar and wind energy.
A small Scottish firm wants to take centre stage in the offshore oil and gas inspection world with new aerial technology.
The Highlands could be on the brink of a new job boom and the Port of Ardersier can be at the heart of it, according to the site’s boss.
UK Business Secretary Vince Cable has defended the Scottish Government’s support for an offshore wind project which is bitterly opposed by American businessman Donald Trump.
Millions of pounds from renewable energy developments could be lost to the Western Isles due to doubts over plans to instal a vital subsea cable to export the electricity.
The UK Government is setting up a new national programme to re-train ex-military personnel to work in the oil and gas industry.
Plans to harvest precious metals from mud and silt deep below the Pacific Ocean’s surface could lead to a business boost for Scotland’s oil and gas service sector.
A new survey claims people in the north-east are more open to having windfarms as part of their energy mix than the population in other parts of the country.
The company behind a proposed windfarm off the Aberdeen coast has announced plans to axe projects and cut 2,500 jobs.
Oil and gas students can take a share of £15,000 under a bursary scheme organised by the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE).
Experts are harnessing 3D scanning technology developed for big budget blockbusters to chart the changing shape of the offshore workforce.
More than 200 pupils from across the north met in Inverness yesterday to show off their engineering and science skills.
The oil and gas industry's first education summit took place yesterday in Aberdeen, looking at how the industry can engage with schoolchildren across the country to help combat skill shortages.
UK Energy Minister John Hayes believes a major rethink is needed on the siting of new windfarms.
A Highland subsea diver training facility has received a £130,000 grant to train commercial divers.
BP and Maersk Drilling have agreed to collaborate on developing conceptual engineering designs for a new breed of advanced technology offshore drilling rig that is expected to "unlock the next frontier of deepwater oil and gas resources".
A not-for-profit organisation with a mission to find, fuel and spark the next generation of business leaders in Scotland, is establishing itself in the north-east.
Both of the two drilling rigs employed by Shell in its Beaufort and Chukchi Seas campaign last summer off Alaska are to be sent to an unspecified yard in Asia (said to be South Korean) for repairs and upgrades.