PTS boosts training centres
Energy service giant Petrofac said yesterday its training and consultancy arm had spent £500,000 on new equipment for Aberdeen amid growing demand for its services.
Energy service giant Petrofac said yesterday its training and consultancy arm had spent £500,000 on new equipment for Aberdeen amid growing demand for its services.
The UK Government has given the go-ahead for hydraulic fracturing for shale gas to resume after moves by Cuadrilla to exploit the unconventional gas in Lancashire was put on hold 18 months ago when the process caused two small earthquakes.
A north renewables firm has received a multimillion-pound investment package from three international energy businesses.
Shifting our reliance on conventional power-stations towards renewable energy is a win-win situation as far as the Scottish Government is concerned.
Energy firm 3sun Group has picked up a three-year contract with wind farm operator Scira Offshore Energy for work offshore east Anglia.
The Highlands' lead in Scotland's renewable-energy industry was recognised last night at a sellout event celebrating the sector.
Aberdeen's lead in the renewable-energy industry in Scotland was recognised last night at a sellout event celebrating the sector.
An Aberdeen student aiming for an offshore career has been named apprentice of the year by energy skills body Opito.
The European Marine Energy Centre (Emec) in Orkney said yesterday it was to help develop a renewables technology test site in Taiwan.
North-east port chiefs are looking at how they can meet the needs of the expanding renewable energy industry.
Plans are under way to create a new port near Inverness - with the promise of up to 1,500 new jobs.
Organisations across the north are among the finalists at awards celebrating Scotland's renewables industry.
Scrabster Harbour Trust has announced delivery of the first phase of its wide-ranging harbour redevelopment programme aimed at providing logistical support for the oil and gas developments on the Atlantic Frontier, and the marine renewable opportunities in the Pentland Firth.
Scaling up the production of biofuels made from algae to meet at least 5% (about 39billion litres) of US transportation fuel needs would place unsustainable demands on energy, water, and nutrients, warns the US's National Research Council.
Global growth in Aberdeen's oil and gas industry has led to local investment for international insurance firm ACE Group.
Jamie Allan has ambitions but recognises that what you want might not be what you get - at least at first.
Lerwick harbour's strategic location, which has served the offshore industry so well since operators first moved into the East Shetland Basin in the 1960s, is equally well-positioned to support increasing activity to the west.
While electricity will power the UK's Christmas lights this month, there will be some in third world countries who have to rely on kerosene for their lighting.
Storage is one of the biggest challenges to a sustainable energy future, especially for wind and solar. In the latter's case, how can solar energy be stored so that it can be available any time, day or night, when the sun shining or not?
The ingenuity of the next generation of engineers shone out at this year's annual Young Engineers Clubs showcase in Aberdeen.
Pupils from Dyce Academy have been crowned winners of ICoTA (Intervention and Coil Tubing Association) and SPE Europe's Energy Apprentice competition.
The Crown Estate has awarded leases for three marine energy sites - including a new test centre.
Interested in wave and tidal energy? Why not get involved in the 2013 Junior Saltire Awards?
A team of six former Aberdeen Grammar School pupils have picked up awards after competing in a global F1 car design competition in Abu Dhabi.
A scheme offering funded internships for Scottish students in firms from GE to Wood Group has had record applications for its 2013 scheme.