Backing for giant hydro project
Plans for a massive hydro scheme in the Highlands' tourist heartland have won councillors' backing - despite objectors claiming it would bring years of misery.
Plans for a massive hydro scheme in the Highlands' tourist heartland have won councillors' backing - despite objectors claiming it would bring years of misery.
The north-east moved a step closer to winning a £1billion funding competition to develop a pioneering green energy technology yesterday.
Alan Barlow is stepping down as chairman of EEEGR, the East of England Energy Group, after a two-year stint.
Wind turbines will start spinning in north school playgrounds next month despite continuing concern about children's safety.
Highland Council said yesterday it planned to expand its turbine programme as it helped the local authority reduce its carbon emissions and cut energy costs.
Competence assurance specialists to the oil and gas industry, Maggie Braid Associates (MBA), has been awarded a contract with Stena Drilling.
Alex Salmond has rejected calls for a moratorium on all new windfarms on the grounds it would put countless people out of work.
Staff from international oil services and technology company AGR have run the circumference of Earth in aid of the charity Doctors Without Borders.
Developers behind Scotland's largest renewable-energy project have submitted plans for the first phase of a potential £10billion wind array off the east coast.
A windfarm planned for the edge of the Cairngorms National Park could be painted a colour to make it less visible, and may require aircraft warning lights, a planning inquiry heard yesterday.
Plans have been tabled for a six-turbine windfarm on Donside.
Anti-windfarm campaigners warned Alex Salmond that his renewable energy policy could cost him Scottish independence.
A new map has been released showing the proliferation of windfarms across Scotland.
Environmentalists have called on the Scottish Government to stand up to global energy corporations which want to build windfarms on wild land.
Electricity generated by renewable sources in Scotland is significantly reducing the nation's harmful carbon dioxide emissions, according to new figures.
Scottish tourism chiefs have officially opposed plans for a windfarm development - claiming they could have a "detrimental" impact on holidaymakers.
Hundreds of anti-windfarm protesters will march on the SNP conference today to show opposition against Alex Salmond's renewable energy policy.
Environmental campaigners claim that building a windfarm on the edge of the Cairngorms National Park would be like putting a Tesco supermarket in the Grand Canyon.
A north politician has backed campaigners trying to stop a windfarm being built on the slopes of Ben Wyvis, claiming it could prove disastrous for both the area and the case for green energy.
Legal issues facing renewable-energy projects were on the agenda when Aberdeen City and Shire's leading renewables industry body hosted its first members' business breakfast yesterday.
Norwegian energy firms Statoil and Statkraft have bought a wind farm project off the coast of Norfolk.
Plans for the Buchan area's biggest windfarm have been dramatically scaled down following protests by locals.
Lawyers acting for Donald Trump have written to the Scottish Government demanding a public inquiry into plans for a windfarm near his golf course.
Developers behind a £50million windfarm at the edge of the Cairngorms National Park are offering north-east firms the chance to cash-in on the project.
A tidal energy device being tried out in Scottish waters has been the first to complete a testing programme at the National Renewable Energy Centre (Narec).