Windfarm ‘will flag up energy role’
A windfarm planned for Aberdeenshire will promote the region to the rest of Europe as a top green energy centre, it was claimed yesterday.
A windfarm planned for Aberdeenshire will promote the region to the rest of Europe as a top green energy centre, it was claimed yesterday.
The Scottish Government has been urged to make a "swift decision" on the fate of proposals for an offshore windfarm.
More than 300 pupils from across the north-east gathered yesterday to find out about the range of careers in the oil and gas industry.
Councillors are concerned that extra funding being made available to help local authorities deal with large numbers of windfarm applications won't be enough to meet demand.
An £8million windfarm project will take a step forward today when parts of the turbines are delivered to the Mearns.
Organisations in the north and north-east have secured loans to fund renewable heating schemes.
More than 300 senior school pupils will discover the wide range of careers open to them in the oil and gas industry when Energise Your Future returns to Aberdeen tomorrow. Organised and run by industry skills body Opito, the event is at Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre.
A student from the Robert Gordon University has been awarded with the Society of Petroleum Engineers' SPE Star Fellowship Award for the North Sea Region for 2012-13.
Alstom has struck a deal with Rolls-Royce to acquire Tidal Generation Limited (TGL), a wholly-owned subsidiary based in Bristol for a so far undisclosed sum.
A team of former Aberdeen Grammar School pupils are to compete in a global F1 car design competition in Abu Dhabi later this month.
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Developers and wilderness campaigners will be in Aviemore today to settle the timetable for a public inquiry into a controversial windfarm.
Demand from school leavers for careers in engineering has shot up, according to Aberdeen's two universities.
Areva has become the latest company to ensure it has installation vessel capacity at its beck and call through a tie-up with the partnership of German company Hochtief Solutions and GeoSea of Belgium.
Revised plans for the north-east's first offshore windfarm will be considered by councillors later this week.
Aberdeen-born mechanical engineering student Joseph Kennedy joined 90 Scottish students travelling the world to work with some of the top blue chip firms this summer.
In a decision criticized as "unfortunate" and even "insane", the United Nations has decided that new coal plants are eligible for carbon credits under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM).
North-east apprentices picked up awards at Score Group in Peterhead after scoring top marks in a national mechanical engineering competition.
Denmark has already reached its 2020 goal of 200 MW solar power generation capacity. This was largely attributed to net metering, which is a more economical and simple way to utilise solar energy than an off-grid setup that relies on expensive batteries that need replacement.
An Aberdeen energy consultant says the UK Government could more than double its offshore wind target for 2020.
The north's renewable-energy credentials will be given a boost today with the official opening of a new facility at Thurso.
North Sea oil and gas exploration and production company Bridge Energy made its debut on the stock market today, with first day trading valuing it at £75million.
Aberdeen's Energy Institute Young Professional Network (EIYPN) is hosting its inaugural black tie event next month.
Proserv's boss has literally come a long way since he graduated in 1982 with a mechanical engineering degree from an Australian university.
French power-generation and transport firm Alstom is upping its grip on the marine energy market by taking over Tidal Generation Limited (TGL) off British engineering icon Rolls-Royce.