Geothermal plans outlined for UK
An Irish geothermal power developer has teamed up with E.ON UK to develop five new deep-geothermal heat and power distribution systems.
An Irish geothermal power developer has teamed up with E.ON UK to develop five new deep-geothermal heat and power distribution systems.
Concerns have been raised about the effects a planned offshore windfarm will have on fish, oilfield operations and air traffic control.
A developer hoping to create one of the world's largest offshore windfarms in the Moray Firth promised yesterday to listen to the concerns of consultees.
A public inquiry into proposals for a windfarm on the edges of the Cairngorms National Park may not be held until October.
The Ministry of Defence has opened talks with developers behind plans for Buchan's biggest windfarm.
A Highland estate is hoping to harness hydro power to provide electricity for its Victorian shooting lodge and feed into the national grid.
OFFSHORE chiefs say Aberdeen's future as a global energy centre is under threat because of a lack of investment in transport and infrastructure.
A former deputy first minister has submitted controversial plans for three wind turbines in Aberdeenshire - for the third time.
Inverness-shire campaigners fighting to stop a windfarm being built on their doorstep will have to wait until next year for a resolution.
Aberdeen Maritime Museum features twice on the shortlist for the enterprising museum award category at the Arts and Business Scotland Awards.
A north-east council has become one of the first local authorities in Scotland to officially seek a temporary halt to windfarm applications.
Scottish company Industrial Ropes, which supplies wire rope to the energy industry and other markets, is being rebranded as RopeQuip following a restructuring by its ultimate parent.
Allied Training Services (ATS), an Aberdeen-based offshore-training specialist, is to provide services to Maersk Training under a deal worth an estimated £100,000 over the coming year.
Orkney firm Orcades Marine Management Consultants has installed a new wave-energy device offshore of the islands for Finnish company Wello.
A Fort William subsea diver-training school and equipment-trial centre has agreed a partnership with an Aberdeen company.
Residents claim plans to build a windfarm near a picturesque Highland village will drive away holidaymakers and force businesses to close.
A north campaigner has called on the Scottish Government to support Highland Council's decision to refuse planning permission for a windfarm near Inverness.
Against an increasingly rough and tumble competitive landscape, total investment in renewables excluding large hydro last year increased 17% to a record $257billion, a six-fold increase on the 2004 figure and 94% higher than the total in 2007, the year before the world financial crisis, according to United Nations research.
Quality and safety services firm Intertek is investing $200,000 (£125,000) in phase two of a groundbreaking five-year oilfield bugs research project at the University of Calgary.
Plans for a 328ft wind turbine close to an Aberdeenshire village have provoked a storm of objections.
The race to produce more of our power from renewables is on - but fossil fuels remain the mainstay of our energy economy, powering our cars, heating our homes and helping produce substances including plastic.
On your marks, get set . . . Build a drillship with a helipad. That was the challenge set to the north-east finalists of this year's Junior Engineer for Britain K'Nex Challenge.
The prime minister of Lower Saxony in Germany, David McAllister, is looking to build links between the region and Scotland after a visit to the north-east. Writing exclusively for the Press and Journal, Mr McAllister, whose father was born in Scotland, tells why he thinks there are plenty of common bonds and gives his views on Europe's debt crisis
Schools from the Highlands have romped home with a clutch of awards from this year's Junior Saltire Prize.
The UK's new nuclear energy industry is potentially on course to be run by the French, Chinese and Russians - but all is still to play for, according to analysts.