Green energy schemes to get access to extra £100m
AN EXTRA £100million will be made available to support green energy projects in Scotland after a deal was struck between Holyrood and Westminster.
AN EXTRA £100million will be made available to support green energy projects in Scotland after a deal was struck between Holyrood and Westminster.
Scotland is being urged to embrace geothermal energy if tests confirm it can be produced in the north-east.
North Sea oil and gas needs to be profitable to produce if it is going to attract global investment, an event on energy policy was warned in Aberdeen yesterday.
Plans to turn the north-east into a global green energy hub have moved a step closer to reality after two power giants struck a deal to accelerate a "game-changing" project in the region.
Granite could be about to trigger a second industrial boom in the north-east - thanks to the heat it generates below the surface of the Earth.
Granite could be about to trigger a second industrial boom in the north-east - thanks to the heat it generates below the surface of the Earth.
Plans to turn the north-east into a global green energy hub have moved a step closer to reality after two power giants struck a deal to accelerate a "game-changing" project in the region.
A COUNCIL has rejected controversial proposals for a new coal-fired power station in its area.
The UK's energy distributor has warned there is "no guarantee" renewable power generated in an independent Scotland would be bought by England and Wales.
Universities cannot be expected to shoulder the burden of tackling the impending North Sea skills crisis alone, according to one boss.
Councillors want more clarity on planning guidelines drawn up as part of a massive north-east energy project.
Cutting-edge innovation from the north-east was put on show to oil majors in Aberdeen yesterday.
Peterhead engineering firm Score Group is to take an innovative valve leak-detection device to the oil and gas industry after £18.5million of funding from Lloyds Banking Group.
Hess UK is planning to hire Awilco Drilling's WilPhoenix semisubmersible drilling rig on next year's abandonment campaign on the Fife and Fergus Fields in the UK sector of the North Sea.
SCOTTISHPOWER Renewables' new P2 Pelamis wave-power device has set sail for the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) in Orkney.
BP is taking on hire the rig Maersk Discoverer, which is being released from contract almost a year early by Woodside Petroleum, which was using the semi-submersible to drill on the Pluto project in the Carnarvon Basin, offshore Western Australia.
GERMAN group Siemens has raised its stake in UK firm Marine Current Turbines to 40%.
Engineering giant Siemens has set its sights on commercialising marine energy after boosting its stake in a tidal power developer.
A GROUP of 50 students from Turriff, Mintlaw and Huntly Academy joined Shell for its second annual Girls Energy conference in Aberdeen last month.
ENGINEERING firm Jee, which specialises in pipeline, riser and subsea work, has taken on six graduate engineers. Joining the firm are graduates Daniel McNulty, Colin Dow and Joe Leask, to be based in Aberdeen, and Thomas Bryden, Aimen Sattar and Chris Fisher, to be based in Tonbridge. Jee employs more than 50 staff worldwide, based in the UK and the Middle East and has offices in Aberdeen, London and Abu Dhabi.
AN OIL company will today launch a fight against claims that staff working on one of its offshore platforms suffer from a lack of privacy.
AN ENGINEERING industry body has criticised the Scottish Government's "over-ambitious" renewable energy target and warned it would lead to rising fuel bills.
Architects have criticised planning guidelines drawn up for a massive energy scheme, which is expected to radically transform the north-east economy.
Scotland's renewable energy industry will only flourish if the country remains part of the UK, Prime Minister David Cameron said yesterday.
The fate of a major renewables investment remains unclear after Spanish energy giant Gamesa broke a self-imposed deadline on deciding whether to locate in Dundee or at a rival port in England.