Renewables windfall tax ‘would skew investment towards fossil fuels’
Renewable energy generators have hit out at a new UK Government bill which they said would impose a “windfall tax” on the sector and “skew investment towards fossil fuels”.
Renewable energy generators have hit out at a new UK Government bill which they said would impose a “windfall tax” on the sector and “skew investment towards fossil fuels”.
Firms behind the bid for a Forth Green Freeport estimate 7,000 new Fife jobs can be created if plans are approved.
Scottish firms Mocean Energy and Verlume have announced an agreement with oilfield services giant Baker Hughes on subsea wave power.
Liz Truss will be the UK’s new prime minister after beating Rishi Sunak to take over the Conservative party.
Wave power firm Mocean Energy has strengthened its board ahead of plans to commercialise its Blue Star wave machine and raise further investment.
A trailblazing multi-megawatt wave energy array is to be trialled in the North Sea, off the coast of Orkney.
Developers secured support for more than 35 megawatts (MW) of new Scottish tidal stream capacity in the latest Contracts for Difference (CfD) auction, in a move hailed as transformative for the sector.
Orkney green energy firm Orbital Marine Power has secured cash to finance the ongoing operation of O2, its flagship floating tidal turbine.
Brexit has “posed challenges” to development of renewables in the UK, according to a new report into the country’s energy transition.
Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group (AREG) will launch a new clean energy conference in Aberdeen this year.
The opening of a new government-backed rapid testing facility for tidal turbine blades will help spur the development of marine energy technologies in Scotland, according to its designers.
Wave energy leaders in Scotland see offshore wind developers as potential infrastructure partners in their drive to harvest vital renewable power from the country's waters.
Tidal energy developer Simec Atlantis Energy (SAE) has entered discussions with crowd-funding platform Abundance Investment, requesting more time to repay debentures due at the end of June.
Tidal energy giant Simec Atlantis Energy has successfully completed upgrade and maintenance work on the "world’s most powerful turbine".
Scottish wave power firm Mocean Energy has secured major new investment to accelerate the commercial rollout of its flagship technology.
Tidal energy developer Nova Innovation has been given approval develop its largest tidal array to date at Yell Sound in Shetland.
Scottish firm Mocean Energy’s wave energy machine has returned to dock after a successful five-month test period at sea.
Scottish tidal energy firm Nova Innovation has been given a £2 million cash injection from the Scottish Government to advance its turbine manufacturing.
Scottish firm Mocean Energy’s Blue X wave energy device has taken the plunge in Orkney ahead of sea trials this summer.
International metals group GFG Alliance, which owns Fort William aluminium smelter, is under investigation by the Serious Fraud Office (SFO).
An Orkney-based marine services company has set a course to double the size of its business thanks to £5.3m from lenders.
Scottish firm Mocean Energy is preparing to send its Blue X wave energy prototype to Orkney for sea trials next month.
A groundbreaking new tidal turbine manufactured in Dundee is to be launched from the city’s port next week.
Simec Atlantis Energy is in talks with UK Government to aid the expansion of the world’s largest tidal energy project.
Tidal-powered cars are now a reality in Shetland, a Scottish marine energy firm said today.