A Texas provider of hot work safety enclosures has unveiled a new modular system designed and manufactured in Dundee, Scotland.
Petrohab recently joined forces with Hermann Twickler, a Scotland-based manufacturing entrepreneur, to develop an ATEX certified Safe-Work Modular Control System (MCS) which is being launched at OTC.
The MCS works with the firm’s US-made Petro-Habitat Hot Work Safety Enclosures (HWSE) to ensure safety in hazardous areas on oil rigs and refineries
The MCS continuously monitors pressure inside the HWSE creating what is often referred to as a “positive pressure environment”, which prevents the need to shut down the facility in which the hot work is to take place.
Hermann Twickler, Managing Director of PetroHab UK in Dundee, said the new system “surpasses other outdated systems on the market, which are almost universally heavy, bulky, and require an extensive amount of hardware, ducting, and cabling”.
He added: “It was designed with the end user’s gas detection and safety needs and requirements in mind.”
Samer Al-Azem, president of PetroHab in Houston, said: “We have always had the best habitats on the market. I am confident that when our Petro-Habitat HWSE’s are used in conjunction with the Safe-Work MCS, our customers can rest assured that they are benefiting from the safest, most compact, and innovative hot work enclosure solution in the oil & Gas industry today.”