An initiative to promote more exports from the north-east was unveiled at ONS yesterday.
The city and shire councils, Scottish organisations and UK Trade and Investment have come together to offer what they have called a co-ordinated approach to promoting exports.
The North East Scotland Trade and Development Group was launched at the Scottish pavilion, led by Scottish Development International (SDI).
The event also heard a new business development manager, Henning Aase, had been appointed for SDI in Stavanger to help Scottish oil and gas firms grow in Norway.
Gordon McIntosh, director of enterprise, planning and infrastructure at Aberdeen City Council, said: “There are a number of organisations in the north-east, broader Scotland and in the UK and we have been sitting down over the last few months to see how we can work more efficiently promoting exports from north-east Scotland.
“This is critical in terms of promoting exports from this fantastic supply chain we have in oil and gas, but it is not exclusive.
“We have food and drink, universities and environmental industries.”
He said the move followed comments from businesses about getting better access to help and admitted that the offering had for a few years not been as good as it could be.