For the first time in its 30-year history Deep Offshore Technology International (DOT), the world’s leading oil and gas conference and exhibition dedicated to deepwater, will be held in Aberdeen.
This year’s theme is maximising resource recovery and will look at technologies, supply chain efficiencies and challenges related to deepwater basins through expert engagement and exploring future innovations.
Following its success in 2013, which saw more than 1,300 attendees from 33 countries, including 17 operating companies, the 2014 show will be held at the Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre from 14 to 16 October.
Plenary sessions will provide insights from leading industry executives on the implications of rising project costs to new and future approaches to maximising resource recovery.
Craig May, Chevron upstream Europe’s managing director will set the agenda for taking technology to new depths in his keynote speech. It will draw from the operator’s strong international deepwater position to offer perspectives on the industry’s challenges and opportunities.
Mr May said: “The increasing cost and complexity of deepwater developments presents a need for both existing technology to develop and new technologies to be applied.
“Addressing these issues allows us to improve everything from engineering innovation such as pumping, long-distance power and tiebacks to well placement and recovery.”
Gunnar Breivik, Statoil Production UK Ltd managing director, will provide a perspective on upstream activities in the UKCS using more than 30 years of oil and gas industry experience within engineering, hook-up/commissioning and operation and maintenance.
DOT will also welcome John Westwood, chairman of leading provider of market research and consulting services, Douglas Westwood. Mr Westwood will offer an industry outlook for attendees on the deepwater market including the challenges and opportunities facing the sector.
To register and find out more about exhibition and sponsorship for DOT 2014 please visit www.deepoffshoretechnology.com.