The five finalists in the All-Energy Marine Renewable Energy Investment Challenge have been announced.
The event will take later today as the UK’s largest renewable and low carbon energy exhibition and conference being staged at Glasgow’s Scottish Event Campus gets underway.
Thanks to an initiative master-minded by Tim Cornelius, chief executive of Atlantis Resources, the winner of the Investment Challenge will benefit from up to £10,000-worth of invaluable advice from lawyers, stockbrokers, investment bankers, accountants communications experts and marketeers.
He said: “We’ve five superb finalists who I know will rise to the occasion.
“We’re certainly in for a highly stimulating, and perhaps nail-biting, 90 minutes that I hope will help others in the audience in overcoming the much talked about ‘valley of death’ between innovation and commercialisation.”
The short list of finalists includes entries from Norway, Spain and the UK.
The five finalists are:
• Fraenkel-Wright’s SuperTide Gen 6MW tidal turbine
• Ocean Energy Advisors’ Innovation at the interface of technology, policy and finance
• Oceanflow Energy’s Starfloat floating wind turbine
• SAITEC Offshore Technologies’ SATH
• Tidetec’s tidal lagoon ‘two-way hydropower’ technology
Cornelius will chair the final from 16:00-17:30 today when the five short-listed candidates have the opportunity to give a 10-minute elevator pitch.