Well Slot is a monthly feature where Westwood’s Stephen Coomber looks at drilling activity and rig moves in UK and Norwegian waters.
As of 23 February, Westwood Global Energy reports that there are no exploration or appraisal (E&A) wells active on the UKCS.
Since the previous report, the Leverett appraisal well was completed as a gas condensate well. No well programmes have spudded in 2024 to date.
West of Shetland, Northern North Sea & Southern North Sea
Nothing to report.
Central North Sea
The 21/3d-9, Z, Y Leverett appraisal well, operated by NEO Energy, was P&A as a gas condensate well on 13 February 2024, after being spudded on 21 July with the Paul B Loyd Jr semi-sub.
The rig was waiting on weather for a few weeks to move off location. The well was sidetracked on 4 September with a target to the west of the initial hole and a DST carried out.
Neptune stated on 29 November that the well was “successfully appraised with good flow rates achieved” with the “planned final appraisal side track underway”.
The 21/3d-9Y well was kicked off on 13 December to tag the hydrocarbon contact. The well was appraising the 21/2-2 Ivy discovery, drilled in 1975, which encountered hydrocarbons in the Lower Cretaceous Britannia Sandstone Formation.
In November 2022, Ithaca quoted 1C-2C-3C pre-drill resources of 0 – 19.1 – 42 mmboe. Leverett is considered commercial by the JV, with aspirations to develop by 2026.
There are currently no active E&A wells, and no wells are expected to spud until June when the Shell-operated Selene well (in the Southern North Sea) is expected to start operations.
As of 23 February, Westwood Global Energy reports that there are three exploration wells active on the NCS, with Ametyst Muscovite, Ringhorne Nord, and Lavrans (exploration segment).
One appraisal/exploration well is drilling at Heisenberg/Hummer. Since the previous report, one appraisal and three exploration well programmes completed.
The Adriana/Sabina appraisal well and Trell Nord exploration wells completed with results pending, and Hubert & Magellan and Harden Sør completed as dry wells.
One appraisal, one appraisal/exploration and two exploration wells have spudded, at Heisenberg/Hummer, Lavrans (exploration segment), Trell Nord and Ringhorne Nord.
Barents Sea & Norwegian Sea
Nothing to report.
Norwegian Sea
The Wintershall Dea-operated 6507/4-4 S, A Adriana/Sabina appraisal well was completed on 20 February 2024, after being spudded on 21 December 2023 with the Transocean Norge semi-sub.
The well was targeting Upper – Lower Cretaceous discoveries made by the 6507/4-2 S Dvalin North well drilled in 2021. Pre-drill resources have been quoted as 56.6 mmboe by the NPD. Results are currently pending.
North Sea
The Equinor-operated 35/10-11 S Heisenberg/Hummer well was spudded on 7 February 2024 with the Deepsea Stavanger semi-sub.
The well is appraising the Eocene 35/10-9 Heisenberg discovery, for which post-drill resources of 23.9 – 83.7 mmboe were quoted.
The 35/10-11 A exploration sidetrack will target the Eocene Hummer prospect, with pre-drill resources 19 – 34 mmboe.
The 25/8-23 S Ringhorne Nord well, operated by Vår Energi, was spudded on 31 January 2024 with the Deepsea Yantai semi-sub.
The ILX well is targeting Paleocene, Lower Jurassic and Triassic reservoir, with pre-drill resources of 28 mmboe.
The Aker BP-operated 25/5-H-1 AH Trell Nord well was completed on 2 February 2024, after being spudded on 26 January 2024 with the Deepsea Nordkapp semi-sub.
The ILX well is a sidetrack of the 25/5-H-1 well, with pre-drill resources of 3 – 12 mmboe. Results are pending.
The Harbour-operated 15/9-25 Ametyst Muscovite well was spudded on 9 January 2024 with the Noble Integrator jackup rig.
The well is targeting the Middle Jurassic and Triassic Ametyst prospect and the Paleocene Muscovite prospect, with pre-drill mean resources of 85 mmboe.
The 35/11-28 S Harden Sør well, operated by Equinor, was completed on 7 February 2024, after being spudded on 9 January 2024 with the Deepsea Stavanger semi-sub.
The ILX well encountered the targeted Upper Jurassic reservoir but was P&A dry.
The 25/7-12 S, A Hubert & Magellan well, operated by Vår Energi, was completed on 29 January 2024, after being spudded on 11 December 2023 with the Deepsea Yantai semi-sub.
The Hubert and Magellan prospects, both Eocene targets, were water-bearing.
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