The more you do something, the easier it becomes, right? Well, unfortunately for me that isn’t always the case, especially as I suffer from social anxiety.
I’ve had the privilege of speaking to various audiences over the years, ranging from small groups to large events with thousands in attendance.
Despite the assumption that it gets easier with time, the truth is, my battle with social anxiety persists.
Since childhood, public speaking has been a challenge, triggering physical symptoms like rapid heart rate and stomach cramps.
While I still experience these feelings, I’ve learned to manage them better.
People often perceive me as a confident speaker, unaware of the internal struggles I face.
Despite the discomfort, I confront these fears head-on because my ‘why’ is more powerful than the urge to retreat.
What I’ve learned from sharing my personal struggles and mental health challenges is that I’m not alone in facing social anxiety battles.
By openly discussing these issues, I’ve been able to provide comfort and self-acceptance to others, helping them realize they are not alone in their feelings.
I focus on making them feel comfortable as individuals, not just in their professional roles.
Recently, I organized an ‘Under The Hard Hat Chat’ session on Mental Health Awareness Day where colleagues shared personal journeys, fostering a sense of togetherness.
While the event was impactful, it’s essential to continue these conversations beyond a designated day, especially as we approach the challenging festive season with its darker nights and colder temperatures.
As we navigate through ongoing challenges beneath our hard hats, let’s keep these crucial conversations alive and raise awareness about mental health – an important subject that deserves our continuous attention.