Colette Cohen is senior vice-president for the UK and Netherlands with Centrica Energy E&P.
What made you get into a career in oil and gas?
When I was at college and studying chemistry, I wasn’t really looking for a career in the oil and gas industry, but when it came to applying for jobs, I began to realise how many different paths you could take in the energy sector. The opportunities it could give me to go offshore, travel abroad and see the world were really exciting.
What advice do you have for youngsters?
Choose subjects at school that you really enjoy – those are the subjects you will become really good at and can turn into a job that makes you want to get up in the morning. You don’t have to love the subject – very few people really love maths – but if it is something that fascinates you then go for it.
If you didn’t work in this sector, what would be your dream job?
When I was at school, my dream job was to be a marine biologist, but if I wasn’t in the oil and gas industry now I would love to work in animal welfare. I have two rescue dogs, and I would like to help turn around other animals’ lives as well.
What would be your dream car to drive?
The new Ferrari F12 Berlinetta – it is an amazing looking car. But I would want it in blue rather than the traditional red.
If you were queen for a day, what would you do?
I would try on every piece of jewellery she has because I’m not sure world peace is achievable in just 24 hours.
What’s the scariest thing you have ever done?
A lot of things are scary if you haven’t done it before – I was almost paralysed with fear the first time I spoke to a large audience in public, and the first time I did my offshore survival training was quite scary too. New things can take you out of your comfort zone and feel very scary, but the important thing is being able to face those scary challenges and learn from them.
Why is energy such an exciting sector to get into?
Our job is about more than just getting oil and gas out of the ground. Whether it is turning the lights on, watching television or going on holiday, everything is driven by energy, and that is an exciting thought. When you think about the hundreds of oil and gas platforms in the North Sea, each one is basically a small village on metal legs miles away from land, and we have been building and sustaining those villages for 40 years and will continue sustaining them for many years to come.
Tell us a random, unexpected fact about you.
I used to ride a fast motorbike, which was great fun, unless it was raining.
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