Roxi Petroleum today confirmed both the shallow and deep wells on its flagship BNG asset in Kazakhstan yielded positive results.
Total production from its shallow wells hit a run rate of 865 bopd.
Following a pause to set casing to a depth of 3,727 meters and the installation of high pressure blowout preventers, drilling has resumed on its deep well A6 and has reached a depth of 3,835 meters.
Based interpretation of the seismic surveys and the experience from the two previous deep wells Roxi expect to reach a potentially oil bearing zone after a further 300 meters.
Elsewhere, for its deep well A5, the rig initially identified for testing was used on other activities but is now back on site for a new attempt to clear the blocked well using coil tubing equipment.
Chairman Clive Carver said: “We remain pleased with the progress at our shallow wells and continue to work to allow the commencement of testing of the two completed deep wells A5 and 801.
“At Deep Well A6 we look forward to the findings from the drilling of the potentially oil bearing section.”