A “groundbreaking” service has been launched to target gas and electricity theft.
Crimestoppers said the facility will allow landlords, tenants, businesses and the public to report suspicions about energy-related crime such as meter tampering.
The charity has joined forces with the industry as part of efforts to tackle energy theft, which is estimated to cost the UK more than £400million a year.
People will be able to raise the alarm anonymously either online at www.stayenergysafe.co.uk or by calling a dedicated phone number, 0800 023 2777.
Crimestoppers chief executive Mark Hallas said: “It’s no exaggeration to say that this is a groundbreaking agreement that we have forged with the energy industry to ensure that crimes such as meter tampering are clamped down on.
“This isn’t just about supporting the industry, though, it’s about our duty to the communities we work with.
“Explosions and fires as a result of energy theft can be devastating, which is why we are running this service on behalf of the industry, to ensure our streets are safe.”
Dermot Nolan, chief executive of energy regulator Ofgem, said: “Energy theft costs the UK hundreds of millions of pounds each year and puts people’s lives at risk.
“This is why we’re working with the energy industry to clamp down on this crime.”
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