BP said today it had signed three concession amendments with Egypt allowing the company to develop the Nooros play.
BP holds a 50% interest in the Temsah and Ras El Barr assets, and 25% of the Nile Delta Offshore Concession. The remaining working interest is held by Italian company Eni through one of its subsidiaries.
Hesham Mekawi, Regional President, BP North Africa, said: “BP is proud to progress the acceleration of its drilling activities in the three concession areas.
“The conclusion of these amendments was a critical milestone that allowed the discovery and fast track development of the Nooros field in the Nile Delta offshore concession, which this month achieved record production of 700mmscfd and is targeted to reach 880mmscfd by early 2017.
“BP will also drill additional wells in Ras El Barr and Temsah areas that are expected to bring significant gas to the Egyptian domestic market.”
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