Roxi Petroleum was today celebrating its well tests for its BNG Contract Area.
The prospect is located in the west of Kazakhstan 40 kilometers southeast of Tengiz on the edge of the Mangistau Oblast, covering an area of 1,561 square kilometers of which 1,376 square kilometers has 3D seismic coverage acquired in 2009 and 2010.
The proved, probable and possible reserves is pegged at 45 million barrels.
Well 141 was drilled to a total depth of 2,500 meters on a turnkey basis at a total cost of $1.25million.
The well was perforated over six-meters at between of 2,230 & 2,236 meters and early flow test results indicate the well to be producing at the rate of 220 bopd using a 3 mm choke and 480 bopd using a 5 mm choke. Further testing is planned including an extended production test.
Chairman Clive Carter said: “We believe the successes at Well 141 indicates the MJF structure extends over a considerable area.
“At A6 we have managed the very challenging drilling of the well better than with Deep Wells A5 and 801 and accordingly will better placed to move to flow testing in due course.”