Aker BP has received consent to remove the dedicated emergency response vessel from the Alvheim field, around 260 kilometres west of Stavanger.
The North Sea field, close to the boundary with the UKCS, will instead be covered by contingency plans for the Sleipner-Utsira area.
Statoil, ExxonMobil and Gassco, who all operate in the Sleipner-Utsira area were granted permission earlier this month to share standby and rescue resources across the region.
Contingency collaboration plans allow operators to share maritime and airborne emergency reponsders across a larger area – meaning less field dedicated vessels are required.
Norwegian body the Petroleum Safety Authority approved the removal of the Alvheim’s rescue boat in a letter to field operator Aker BP.
The field has been developed using a floating production unit and subsea wells.
The Vilje and Volund fields are also tied back to the production unit.
The oil from the fields is shipped from Alvheim by tanker and the gas is exported by pipeline to St Fergus in Scotland.
Production began in 2008.
Aker started production on an tie back to the Alvehim FPSO at the end of last year.