Energy giant BP has started up its Trinidad onshore compression (TROC) project.
The in-country arm of the super major said full start-up will take place over the next few months.
When fully onstream, the facility will have the potential to deliver approximately 200 million standard cubic feet of gas per day.
It is expected to improve capacity by increasing production from low-pressure wells in BP Trinidad and Tobago’s existing acreage in the Columbus Basin using an additional inlet compressor at the Point Fortin Atlantic LNG plant.
It is one of seven major upstream projects that BP expects to bring online in 2017.
Bernard Looney, chief executive of BP’s upstream business, said: “Delivered on-time and on-budget, this major infrastructure project is part of BP’s plan to bring 500,000 barrels a day of new production capacity online by the end of 2017 and paves the way for Juniper, our other major project start-up in Trinidad and Tobago this year.”
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