Australian firm Tlou Energy has appointed Velseis Pty Ltd to undertake a fully funded seismic survey for its coal bed methane (CBM) projects in Botswana.
The survey is scheduled to begin in the third quarter of 2017 and will gather 250 kilometres of 2D data across Tlou’s Lesedi and Mamba project permit areas.
Tlou’s managing director Tony Gilby said: “Tlou is extremely pleased to be working with Velseis, a company with significant seismic experience.
“This survey will give us the opportunity to expand our Gas Reserves and Resources as we progress towards developing the first CBM gas to power project in Botswana.”
The survey will target areas which the company considers to be highly prospective for the addition of oil and gas reserves.
The results will also be used to choose suitable locations for vertical drill holes to confirm gas volumes in the ground.