Two north-east oil industry service providers are among the top 200 UK firms for international sales growth.
Engineering company Balmoral was in 113th spot on the HSBC International Track 200 league table, down from 81st a year ago.
Boosted by demand from Brazil and West Africa, the company notched up £103.7million worth of international sales, an average annual increase of 37% over the past two years, the report said.
Westhill-based catering firm Entier was in 186th position, having been 43rd in the previous table.
Entier was established in 2008, originally catering for the North Sea oil industry but now operates globally.
Jim Milne, chairman and managing director of Balmoral, said: “Although times are tough opportunities still exist but you have to take a proactive approach in securing them.
“I’ve promoted internationalisation for many years and this is how we’ve grown our business. Almost 80% of the goods manufactured by Balmoral last year were exported around the world, from Australasia to South America.
“Our commitment to a programme of continuous investment in people, R&D, manufacturing plant and processes helps us maintain a global industry-leading position in the fields in which we operate”.
Amanda Murphy, UK head of commercial banking at HSBC, said: “International Track 200 is testament to the exciting opportunities available to ambitious Scottish businesses with appetite to grow their goods and services abroad.”