A Scottish businesswoman who moved out to Houston three years ago and went through two previous floods has said “nothing compares” to the current disaster gripping the state of Texas.
Glasgow born Lee Smalley lived in Aberdeen for a number of years before moving overseas to the oil capital of America with her husband.
She experienced the Memorial Day floods of 2016 and the April 2015 flooding that hit Houston hard/
But she said the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey was like nothing she had been through before.
She added: “We live in Harris county and have had 20-30 inches of water since Friday night and it’s still raining.
“We are very fortunate that our house has not flooded so far and we still have power. Our Scottish friends who live less than a mile away have had no power since Saturday night.
“We have my cousin’s son from Glasgow here, he came for two days and was supposed to leave to Calgary on Friday but his flight got cancelled and now the airports are closed and he is now being told it might be friday before he can leave.
“I am a realtor and have an Irish client that just moved into his new house last week and he called me this morning to say his house flooded, they took in about 18 inches of water, in fact his whole street has flooded. He talked to one of his neighbour’s and he said he’d lived there for 40 years and never seen it this bad.”
Mrs Smalley ventured out on Monday to see how far she could get.
She said: “We started driving north on Kirkwood Ave towards the Interstate 10 but Kirkwood ave is flooded and not possible to pass at the moment.
“We then thought we would try the supermarket, the queue was round the block waiting to get in and they were only letting a couple of people in at time as the checkout queue is approx a two hour wait.”
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