Tokyo based Mitsui O.S.K Lines held a ceremony to christen their first Floating Storage Regasification Unit (FSRU).
MOL FSRU Challenger is 345 meters long and 55 meters wide with the ability to store up to 263,000m3 of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), making it the world’s largest FSRU.
She also has LNG re-shipment and gas transfer capabilities.
MOL is currently the only Japanese owner and operator of an FSRU, and now one of world’s largest LNG carrier operators.
FSRUs are increasingly known as a flexible and mobile transport solution in the LNG supply chain.
MOL FSRU Challenger will provide storage and regasification services to a project in Turkey after delivery in October.
Its specifications also allow for the re-export and supply of LNG to neighbouring regions.
A spokesperson for the company said: “MOL is moving boldly into the LNG secondary transport and LNG fuel supply businesses in Asia and Central and South America regions where it anticipates rising demand for LNG.”
In addition MOL has announced its decision to contribute to a FSRU project in India, scheduled to start operation in early 2020.