State owned Russian energy giant Rosneft saw production increases during the first nine months of the year.
Average daily hydrocarbon production was lifted by 9.7% to 5.72mmboe/pd while liquids increased by 11% year-on-year.
Gas production was also up slightly by 3.1% to 50.86bcm.
In the third quarter of the year the company continued the implementation of the approved operating plans, many of which are based in Siberian assets.
Tax incentives from the Russian Government are also expected to enable further upstream exploration and development through the year.
During the quarter the first commercial simulator of hydraulic fracturing in Eurasia, RN-GRID, was set up.
The company has started the commercial development of two fields at the Tyamkinsky Hub of the Uvat project: Severo-Tyamkinsky and Severo-Tamarginsky.
Major new projects such as Suzun and Messoyakhaneftegaz are being developed “fully in line” with the plan the company said in a statement.