South American focused oil and gas firm Echo Energy has hit gas at its first well in Argentina.
The well is the first of a three well workover campaign at the company’s Fracción D asset, onshore Argentina.
The Well CSo-85 was perforated at the Springhill Formation and “successfully flowed gas to surface” without being impeded, said the company.
A full testing unit is expected at the site within a fortnight and the Quintana-01 rig will shortly be moving to well CSo-80 to commence workover operations this weekend.
Fiona MacAulay, chief executive of Echo, said: ‘We are delighted that the first step of this exciting workover campaign has been safely and successfully completed, re-entering the well and establishing gas flow to the wellhead without any requirement for artificial lift.
“Once the full testing unit is in place we will analyse the well performance during the scheduled long term test. In this fast moving operational phase, the Quintana-01 rig will be moved directly to the second well in the workover campaign to complete and perforate a similar gas zone.
“We will update the market as the programme continues and also look forward to welcoming shareholders at our next regional event in Newcastle on 24 April 2018.”
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