Latin American focused oil and gas firm Echo Energy has announced oil to surface on its Fracción D asset, onshore Argentina.
The workover of well CSo-80 saw the successful and safe completion of the second workover of the three well workover campaign.
Echo Energy said that “a combination of oil and water flowed into the wellbore and to surface, indicating the re-distribution of fluid phases in the central part of the field into the former gas leg”.
The Quintana rig will now be moving to the CSo-50 location on the West flank of the field to complete the third and final workover of the current campaign.
Echo confirmed the recent arrival of the full well testing equipment to the CSo-85 location.
Fiona MacAulay, Chief Executive Officer of Echo, said: “We are pleased that this second well in the workover programme has yielded this gratifying result and means that we can work towards rapidly bringing this well into production utilising existing facilities in the field.
“The fact that oil has flowed into the wellbore in the former gas leg in the central part of the Canandon Salto field is particularly pleasing in opening the potential for Canandon Salto field rehabilitiation – for which a work programme across a number of potential well candidates across the field could re-establish further increases in production over the next few months.”