The International Well Control Forum (IWCF) will now issue all certificates online in an effort to cut costs and give greater assurance to the oil and gas sector.
The IWCF said the new method of issuing well control certificates (eCerts) will improve quality and delivery of certificates while combating fraud.
Industry feedback has also led the IWCF to introduce a new optional grading descriptor system.
The IWCF said it will create transparency on the level of pass, with ‘Pass with Merit’ awarded for 80-89% and ‘Pass with Distinction’ awarded for 90-100%.
The new digital system will allow candidates to take assessments online or offline, said IWCF, a not-for-profit organisation
Antony Quin, chief executive of the IWCF, said: “We’ve been driving this change in certification over the last 18 months. It will greatly benefit candidates, employers and training providers by making our certification process more streamlined and efficient. This is important to our members so we’re pleased to have reached this milestone.
“The IWCF eCerts cannot be replicated or copied due to in-built meta-data security measures, which means qualifications can be traced back to their origin. Although fraud isn’t common, it can happen. This introduction makes it easier for all employers to confirm that eCerts are genuine.”