SO WHAT lies ahead for 2009? ITF’s members have set six themed technology challenges for the year ahead and each will involve the facilitator staging a theme day in order to develop focus prior to issuing calls for project proposals.
They are as follows:
Carbonate reservoirs (a date in February earmarked for theme day).
Subsea – long tie-backs (March).
Corrosion and erosion – detection and mitigation (May).
Imaging in challenging environments (May).
In-well communications – data transfer and acquisition (September).
Subsea intervention – wells and pipelines (November).
Poxon said: “Although still quite general, these themes are more focused than in recent years – arguably a reflection of both the work we have done to strengthen the facilitation process and our members’ commitment to get the maximum value from it in terms of meeting their needs. For each of these themes, a facilitated discussion day will be held to which ITF members, stakeholders and industry experts will be invited. These ‘theme days’ will drill down into the specifics of recent research and development work in that area and pinpoint outstanding technology needs for that topic. The output from these meetings is used to form calls for proposals.”
To receive updates about ITF activity and the planned theme days, you can register at www.oil-itf.com