More than 300 people are expected to attend Oil and Gas UK’s next breakfast briefing in Aberdeen.
The event will look at the role of the subsea sector in extending life and enhancing recovery from the UK continental shelf (UKCS).
It is being held on Tuesday, October 28, in the Beach Ballroom.
Speakers will explore the significance and growth of the UK subsea sector now and in the future and consider how subsea technology is being used both to develop new oil and gas accumulations and to maximise the recovery of oil and gas from existing fields.
Malcolm Webb, OGUK’s chief executive, said that 38billion barrels of oil and gas had been extracted from beneath UK waters since production began in the UKCS and Oil and Gas UK estimated that, while UK production was now in decline, 25billion barrels remained to be extracted.
He added: “To develop the smaller and more technically challenging accumulations typical of this mature basin will require not just significant capital injection, but also continuing innovation and the advancement of offshore engineering techniques.
“Fortunately, the UK already excels in these areas and it is timely that we focus a breakfast on subsea technology, a specialism in which the UK leads the world.”
Thorsten Fischer, the Royal Bank of Scotland’s senior economic adviser, will look at the importance of this specialist sector, its market prospects and the possible effects of the volatile economic landscape.
Venture Production field development manager Chris Bird will explain how his company has succeeded in reaching and developing so-called “stranded” reserves using subsea technology, while David Campbell, BP North Sea director and vice-president for renewal, will showcase the central role these innovations play in his company’s mature investment programme.
The breakfast will also explore how the UK subsea industry may sustain and build on its position as global leader in the field.
Andrew Reid, Aberdeen-based managing director of energy consultant Douglas-Westwood, will outline the opportunities that exist around the world as the requirements of oil and gas producers evolve.