A Scottish Conservative MP has called for the MPs Pension Fund to end investment in fossil fuels.
South Perthshire member Luke Graham has become the first member of his party to sign the divestment pledge, due to concerns over climate change.
189 cross-party MPs signed so far, including more than half of the SNP members.
The latest annual report for the pension fund revealed five of the top 20 investments were in energy firms such as BP, Shell and Total with a combined investment of nearly £17million.
Earlier this month the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said the world has 12 years for global warming to be kept at a maximum of 1.5C, beyond which half a degree could greatly increase the risks of drought and floods.
Mr Graham said: “I care deeply about raising the profile of environmental issues across Ochil & South Perthshire and this includes supporting the transition to a low-carbon economy that helps tackle climate change and create jobs.
“As such, I am pleased to back the Divest Parliament campaign and believe my pension should be invested in an environmentally sustainable and ethical way.”
BP, Shell and Total have all made pledges to help meet climate change targets, with investment in renewable and clean energy activities.
Each one is part of the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative, a coalition of energy companies, which last month set a target of reducing methane emission levels by a third by 2025.
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