ABERDEEN Harbour Board has approved a £65million capital spending and exceptional maintenance budget over the next five years as part of plans to sustain and develop activity at the port.
It said the figure for 2009-13 was £8million higher than the budget for 2008-12.
Chief executive Colin Parker said: “The rise reflects the expanded scope of prioritised projects, which are wide ranging and will benefit current port users and help to attract new business.
“The planned spending also demonstrates our commitment to and confidence in the long-term future of the port through and beyond the oil era.”
Plans include a major redevelopment of Torry Quay to provide modern facilities for the larger oil-support vessels using the harbour.
This is at the feasibility and consultation stage and will require board and planning approval.
Other projects include the continuing redevelopment of Point Law, the deepening and strengthening of Commercial Quay East, widening the navigation channel and replacement of the harbour’s survey craft.
Point Law already handles more than 1million tonnes of cargo a year and will get new facilities and operational space.
The harbour board has also announced increases in the main port charges for 2009: 1p per tonne in vessel dues, an average of 3% across all goods and passenger dues, and a 5% increase on other ancillary services. It said it was only the second time main charges had been increased in 11 years and in 20 years they had increased by only 17%, compared with 164% for inflation.