Due to the success of the supplier training sessions, supply-chain gateway FPAL has decided to expand its training programme by offering performance feedback workshops.
These sessions will offer members an opportunity to fully understand the fundamentals of performance feedback, how it can be used and the benefits of completing forms with their customers.
Performance feedback is an incredibly valuable industry tool that can be used to assess the performance of suppliers and purchasers during or following the execution of a contract or order.
Over time, company performance data is collated within member profiles and displayed graphically online.
The profiles are designed to represent a company’s overall performance and are assessed through a number of elements, such as product/service quality, project management and planning and delivery.
As each feedback report is mutually agreed between parties, the information collated is an accurate and independent display of a company’s performance over time. Where FPAL’s new training course finds relevance is to educate members on how to fully utilise this information.
For example, a performance graph can be incorporated into presentation material and used when meeting with a potential new customer. Indeed, FPAL suggests that the use of performance feedback as a business development tool should be exploited by members.
Lynda Hunt, business development services executive at Petrofac Training, said: “Through visiting many of our customers and completing performance feedback reports, we have been able to maintain and enhance existing customer relationships, as well as develop new relationships built with a clear understanding of our customer’s expectations. Additionally, direct contact with our customers means we can obtain a realistic understanding of how the scoring has been concluded and have detailed discussion on our general performance and service levels.
“Comments and constructive feedback are then conveyed to both the management team and the relevant department, where improvements are made on any areas for development or recognition given on areas where we consistently score well. The benefits of performance feedback can be translated both internally and externally in any organisation and utilised to the benefit of the company.”
If you would like to expand your use of FPAL performance feedback, find dates available on fpal.com; phone Hazel Anderson on +44 (01224) 337 500, or e-mail fpal@fpal.com