THE National Subsea Research Institute (NSRI) has appointed Richard Neilson as academic research director.
He has more than 20 years’ experience as a lecturer and researcher in Scottish universities. During this time, Mr Neilson spent four years on secondment with Rotech Drilling Services, where he was responsible for the design and analysis of downhole tools.
NSRI is a partnership between Subsea UK, and the Robert Gordon, Aberdeen, Newcastle and Dundee universities. The Aberdeen-based institute’s aim is to develop and lead a co-ordinated research strategy for the subsea sector, developing and maintaining the UK’s position as a centre of excellence for technology and skills.
NSRI chairman Bill Edgar said: “Following our launch in 2009, we have had a successful first year having achieved 17 new members and with Richard on board he will contribute to achieving NSRI’s aim to channel research and development, skills training and education so the subsea industry can achieve its strategic aims in a cost efficient, co-ordinated fashion.”