BIBBY Offshore, the Aberdeen-based provider of subsea construction and offshore management services, said yesterday it had bought the dive-support vessel (DSV) Bibby Sapphire from former owner Volstad Subsea for £34million.
It said the vessel had been acquired thanks to a loan from Standard Chartered Bank to fully fund the deal.
She has been on charter from Volstad to Bibby Offshore for five years, first as a construction-support vessel and since 2007 as a DSV, and will remain based in Aberdeen and operate in the North Sea.
Chief executive Howard Woodcock said: “The formal purchase of Bibby Sapphire secures our asset base for the long term, allowing us to progress our growth strategy of expanding our services and capabilities in the North Sea, Trinidad, south-east Asia and beyond.
“Ownership of the vessel will transfer next week. As the majority of the existing 20 marine crew are already Bibby Ship Management employees, continuity of personnel will be maintained.”
The acquisition follows the recent announcement from Bibby Offshore that it is now fully certified by the International Marine Contractors Association to undertake its own diving operations.
The company, which has traditionally contracted out this area of its business, has now begun the process of recruiting its own diving personnel. It expects to fill 80 positions between now and October, with up to 160 more forecast by the end of the year.
A spokeswoman said this would not create jobs but would add divers and support staff previously working as contractors to Bibby Offshore’s 130-strong payroll.
The additional 240 staff will be located in Aberdeen and Singapore, where the DSV Bibby Aquamarine is based. The company has a third DSV, the Bibby Topaz.
Established in 2003, Bibby Offshore has engineering and office sites in Aberdeen, Trinidad and Singapore.
It is owned and operated by Liverpool-based Bibby Line Group.