APRIL will see Aberdeen University once again run its enduring get to know the energy industry conference.
Indeed, this is the 16th year that it has run the event, which is primarily focused around upstream oil&gas, though this will be the third year where attention will also be paid to renewables.
A fresh element this year will be a mini-exhibition, with organisations such as Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group, Opito – Oil & Gas Academy, Weatherford, Bluewater and K10 solutions lined up to be involved.
Cut to two days from three, the conference framework is as follows:
Day 1 – Overview of global energy supply and demand, and the present and future status of UK energy supply and demand (presided over by Professor Paul Mitchell).
Overview of the technical stages of oil&gas exploration through to decommissioning and economic factors affecting UK investment (presented by key industry specialists and facilitated by John Wils).
Day 2 – Politics, economy and policy impacting UK energy supplies.
Renewable Energy Overview (presented by key industry specialists and facilitated by Iain Todd).
For more information, see www.abdn.ac.uk/ energy overview
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