A fledgling organisation set up in Aberdeen to help UK offshore supply firms break into the North Sea decommissioning market aims to hire its first chief executive within weeks.
Decom North Sea (DNS) was formally established in April and has already appointed an initial board of directors drawn from different sectors of the North Sea supply chain, plus from other decommissioning industries.
Seedcorn funding has come from Scottish Enterprise (SE), Highlands and Islands Enterprise and the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change.
The search is now on for a suitable candidate to lead the organisation.
Murdo MacIver, director of oil and gas industry logistics business Peterson SBS in Aberdeen and the new chairman of DNS said: “We are aiming to attract a high-calibre, hands-on executive with an exceptional management track record to play a key role in building up North Sea decommissioning capability.”
DNS plans to run practical events, activities and information services to spread competence and help firms to capitalise on the many business opportunities that decommissioning is expected to bring.
The new, dedicated, North Sea decommissioning forum is the direct outcome of a consultation study undertaken by SE during 2008 and early this year.
Mr MacIver said: “We spoke at great length with offshore contractors, service companies and North Sea operators in both the UK and Norway, and it came through loud and clear that the supply chain faces a really steep learning curve if it is going to mobilise for this potential £25billion market.
“We aim to help our members learn quickly from decommissioning experiences in other markets, share knowledge of new technologies and collaborate on joint ventures.”
Upcoming activities for DNS include a presentation on September 10: the Thursday of the Offshore Europe show in Aberdeen.