A FORMER vice-president with oil giant BP, Patrick Dixon, has been appointed as expert chairman of the Office of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) in the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC).
Energy Minister Charles Hendry said: “Patrick has significant relevant experience in the energy industry and I am very confident that he will make a major contribution working in partnership with government and industry to take forward the carbon-capture and storage agenda.”
Mr Dixon will be responsible for providing strategic and expert guidance to ministers, DECC’s management board and officials on the office’s objectives.
He worked at BP for 28 years. Until 2008, he was vice-president of refining for the eastern hemisphere and had accountability for all BP’s non-US refineries. After leaving BP, he became a non-executive director of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, is chairman of its board safety and security committee and a member of its audit committee.
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