NORTH-EAST underwater technology company Tritech International has donated sonar equipment to the Underwater Centre, at Fort William.
The equipment will allow remotely operated vehicle (ROV) students to train and become familiar with industry-standard equipment.
Paul Bury, head of ROV operations and training at the Underwater Centre, said: “This donation from Tritech is a fantastic addition to the centre and will allow us to continue to train the very best ROV pilots and technicians.”
Malcolm Johnston, sales and marketing manager with Westhill-based Tritech, added: “Providing the Underwater Centre with this equipment has ensured that students new to the industry have experience using industry-standard sonar and subsea equipment as part of their training.
“The Underwater Centre is one of the world’s leading providers of subsea training and we recognise the importance of supporting the facility as it trains the next generation of ROV pilots.”
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