Underwater inspection in lieu of drydock (UWILD) inspections are a recognised maritime service carried out to ensure the structural and operational integrity of the marine assets and ensure a vessel’s seaworthiness during its operational lifespan and adherence to legislation.
Dry-docking an FPSO is costly. It takes the FPSO out of service incurring a loss in production revenue as well as the significant costs associated with disconnecting and reconnecting the FPSO.
UWILD inspections are performed on location and are a cost-effective and time-efficient method for carrying out necessary annual hull and mooring inspections.
Inspections can highlight repair areas before drydocking, reducing drydocking time and enabling the ship to resume operational service earlier than having an inspection conducted during drydocking.
As an accepted alternative to drydocking inspection surveys, UWILD presents a faster, safer and more cost-effective solution for conducting hull, sea-chest and overboard discharge cleaning; thruster, valve and weld inspections; and also mooring chain measuring with Film-Ocean’s patented Chain Measurement tool.
Cost savings and time efficiencies are achieved by eliminating any costs associated with the removal and reinstatement of the FPSO, coupled with no loss in production revenue.
Film-Ocean managing director Scott Jenney said: “UWILD inspections are a core service delivery for Film-Ocean. The business was founded on deploying ROV systems from floating assets and providing this service to our clients.
“Through experience, we have deep knowledge in delivering this type of inspection and have a wide range of both ROV systems with innovative deployment solutions along with tooling to deliver a high-quality service.”
Utilising a range of specialised ROV and tooling developed in-house, Film-Ocean’s ROVs are equipped to deliver the full range of UWILD inspections. Film-Ocean has fulfilled multiple successful UWILD projects using their developed tooling for both shallow and deep-water applications.
Film-Ocean’s inspection-class ROVs include several 2,000m rated ROVs (Cougar-XT and Super Mohawk) launched by a LARS system and utilising a garage-style tether management system and umbilical winch.
Smaller inspection-class ROVs include 300m and 1,000m rated systems (Tiger and Falcon) with an Hi-Ab Launch and Recovery System, A-frame and containerised systems, a Garage Style Tether Management System or free-swimming.
Film-Ocean’s high-quality ROV systems and tooling use standardised electrical and communication interfaces, ensuring a seamless integration of the Film-Ocean equipment on to third-party vessels. All equipment is operated and supported by the company’s team of knowledgeable and experienced personnel.
With more than 100 UWILD services delivered globally, Film-Ocean’s comprehensive UWILD services include:
• GVI and CVI hull plating and features
• Sea valve/chest inspection
• Internal ballast tank inspection
• Cleaning of thrusters and hull
• NDT inspection – ultrasonic and wall thickness and CP
•GVI/CVI of all mooring components
• Cleaning
• Interlink, link length and bar diameter measuring using Film-Ocean patented equipment
• Enhanced inspections – 3D photogrammetry and laser scanning
• Trench profiling
• NDT inspection – CP
• Flexible riser and umbilical
• Subsea structure inspection
• Flowlines and jumpers surveys and inspectionsFilm-Ocean has a proven and extensive track record in
performing UWILD inspections, providing clients with a fully managed and integrated value-driven, high-quality service
delivered by a team of
knowledgeable and skilled
offshore experts.
The company has approved service supplier status with ABS, BV, DNV-GL, and Lloyds Register in water surveys.
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