Talisman Energy confirmed its exploratory well in Colombia’s Block CPO-9 made a viable hydrocarbon find.
This is the second oil discovery for the Canadian-based firm in the area. In 2010 it managed to find hydrocarbons in the Akacias structure.
The latest exploratory well, Nueva Esperanza-1, was drilled to a total depth of 12,056ft before undergoing an initial eight-day flow test using an electro submersible pumping system.
Talisman, in partnership with Ecopetrol, later confirmed a daily flow rate of 910 barrels of 8 degrees API crude oil with less than 2% water cut during the last day of flow.
Nueva Esperanza sits adjacent to the Akacias field.
The well’s results will now be evaluated and filed with the Colombian authorities in a bid to place the Nueva Esperanza-1 well on a long-term test cycle.