MPs will today be given their first chance to debate the threat to North Sea jobs caused by the oil price collapse.
Frank Doran, Labour member for Aberdeen North, secured the debate in Westminster amid concerns about the future of thousands of offshore workers.
A UK Government minister will be required to attend the debate and respond to any points raised by MPs.
The coalition is believed to be preparing a package of measures to secure the sector for the Budget in March, but the Scottish Government has called for earlier action.
Mr Doran said last night: “The point I’ll be making is that we’ve been here before.
“I think we’re in a very risky place and there is the potential there for this to be as bad as the worst experience we had in the 1980s.
“However, it doesn’t need to be that way. We need to address two issues. The first is the skills shortage and the second is the tax environment.
“If you just cut the supplementary charge then the government may be missing a trick.
“I think what the government should be doing when it looks at the situation here is have tax reductions but they should be focused. They should be focused on investment, focused on research and development, maintenance and health and safety.
“It is a dangerous time but we can improve the situation.”
Meanwhile, Energy Secretary Ed Davey will be called before members of Westminster’s energy and climate change select committee to take questions on the North Sea crisis and other issues tomorrow.
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