Talisman Sinopec has informed workers it proposes to move to a new three weeks on, three weeks off (3/3) rota.
The company has become the latest North Sea operator to warn offshore workers they could face the change to their shift patterns.
As reported by Energy Voice, Apache last week confirmed it planned to make the change to shift patterns from April.
It is understood US firm Marathon Oil is also considering whether to move to a 3/3 rotation.
A spokeswoman for Talisman Sinopec said:“Following a working group review, Talisman Sinopec proposes to move to a 3/3 rota, which would deliver essential cost efficiencies in a safe manner.
“It is our intention to enter into a formal consultation process and we are currently developing the plans for this and we aim to communicate these to our staff as soon as possible.”
Union have warned the change in shift patterns from the current two weeks offshore followed by three weeks of leave to three on, three off will lead to longer hours and compromise safety.
John Taylor, regional industrial officer for Unite the union, said recent shift changes and redundancies were announced without consultation, and called for greater engagement from the industry regarding future changes.
Last month Talisman Sinopec said 300 jobs from its North Sea operations would go.
The company, which has around 3,000 staff in the North East of Scotland, said the losses include 100 employees and 200 contractors.
The move followed companies including Schlumberger and BP who both announced last week they would cut a number of positions.
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