Statoil and its partners are to spend more time on improving the concept for the start-up of the second phase of the Johan Sverdrup field.
The company said the planned production timing is still planned for 2022.
However,the companies involved now intend to take longer than expected before selecting a final concept selection is made next year.
The move comes on the same day Norway’s Oil and Gas Ministry said it would be upholding a decision to reduce Det Norske’s stake in the Johan Sverdrup field.
A Statoil spokesman said: “Production startup of Johan Sverdrup phase 2 in 2022 remains, but the partners will spend some more time on improving the concept further, before final concept selection is made in 2016.”
The Johan Sverdrup project could contain an estimated three billion barrels of oil equivalent and had the potential to operate for up to 50 years.