Total has shutdown work at Mozambique LNG in order to manage an outbreak of coronavirus at the site in Cabo Delgado.
A first case was detected on April 1, Total said. Since then a large number of workers have been tested for the virus and a “small proportion” have tested positive. In order to reduce the risk of further transmission, Total and its contractors have “progressively moved to temporarily reduce the number of personnel at the project site in collaboration with the Ministry of Health”.
For now, the focus of those remaining at the Afungi site will be on security, logistics and the provision of essential services to maintain the camp.
Total said it, and its partners, were working to upgrade local medical facilities in the province, with PPE, ventilators and test kits.
According to the Mozambique authorities, there are 39 reported cases in the country, as of April 19. In the previous 24 hours, 85 tests were carried out in the last 24 hours, of which four were positive.
All four were found in Cabo Delgado, where the ministry is working on an investigation. One case was reported in Afungi and three in the city of Pemba. Mozambique’s cases appear concentrated in the northern province and Maputo, the capital city.