Total has reported 14 cases of coronavirus at its sites in Congo Brazzaville, including two employees of Total E&P Congo.
Production has not been disrupted, a company official has said, and remains at 190,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day.
Total has taken steps to limit transmission of the virus. Contact tracing is under way, with those who have been in proximity to those infected put into isolation for observation.
Sites are regularly disinfected and all staff undergo daily medical checks. Workers going to sites are quarantined for 14 days before travel and wearing a mask is mandatory.
Those employees who can work remotely have been doing so since March 24.
Total E&P Congo activated its “pandemic plan” when the country reported its first case of coronavirus. The Congolese government reported the first case on March 14. A countrywide lockdown was launched on March 31 with a night time curfew.
The pandemic plan sees non-routine work postponed and workforce limits imposed to those essential to maintaining production.
Total has 759 employees in Congo Brazzaville and accounts for around 60% of the country’s production. The most significant project in the country is the Moho Nord project, which has capacity of 140,000 boepd.
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